Saturday, October 3, 2009

Banks and traders threatened by new international tax plan drawn up by IMF

Banks and traders may face an unprecedented new international tax on finance under radical new plans being drawn up by the International Monetary Fund.

IMF managing director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, said banks will be forced to pay into a new insurance fund. Mr Strauss-Kahn before addressing students at Istanbul's Bilgi University.
IMF managing director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, said banks will be forced to pay into a new insurance fund. Photo: EPA
IMF managing director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has revealed that the Fund is constructing plans to create an insurance fund into which banks around the world may be forced to pay, to help “mitigate the risks they are creating”.
The plans echo a recent suggestion by Financial Services Authority chairman Lord Turner that he may consider levying a so-called Tobin tax on financial transactions in order to rid the system of excessive speculation. Although Mr Strauss-Kahn said a simple Tobin tax, which its creator, Nobel laureate James Tobin, proposed should be charged on all foreign exchange transactions, would “not work for many technical reasons”, he said the Fund was now working on alternative models.

"The financial sector is creating a lot of systemic risks for the global economy... it is fair that such a sector should pay some of its resources to help mitigate the risks they are creating," he said. "Having some money to create a fund for insurance or funding for low-income countries – that we would like to consider."
The news will fuel concerns among banks and investors that they will soon fall victim to a second wave of regulation and charges as the full economic consequences of the financial crisis materialise. And in a sign of the Fund's determination to construct just such a charge, which was raised at last week's G20 summit in Pittsburgh, Mr Strauss-Kahn said he had asked his second-in-command, John Lipsky, to prepare a report about the plans.
Mr Lipsky, himself a former banker, said: "It is right to think about [the costs of a crisis] being borne by the financial sector more broadly."
Although the Fund was unclear about how such a tax would be constructed or how much it would raise, Oxfam policy adviser Max Lawson said a financial transaction tax of 0.005pc on currency transactions would, by way of illustration, raise $30bn (£18.8bn) a year.
Bank of England deputy governor Paul Tucker has mentioned the prospect of a form of insurance whereby banks pay into a fund to help cover the fiscal costs if at some point in the future they or their counterparts have to be bailed out by taxpayers.
A Treasury official said: "We are aware of the debate at the G20 but there are a number of problems with it. In particular, it creates an opportunity for regulatory arbitrage, so it would have to be internationally co-ordinated."
The IMF's plan is just as likely to take the form of higher capital restrictions on banks as it is a direct charge on activity. Opinions differ as to the best use of the proceeds. Some suggest they could be used to create a fund to help low income countries; others say they should be put towards the costs of mitigating climate change; others maintain they should be put in reserve until the time of a future financial crisis.
However, the scheme is likely to cause dismay in the financial sector. Banking experts have warned that such a tax would dramatically reduce the profitability of the sector, undermining its health and therefore the wider economy. THE World Bank is close to running out of money, its president has disclosed.
The financial crisis has seen the Bank lend significantly more than the three-year $100bn programme it committed to last year, meaning its resources could run dry within 12 months.
"By the middle of next year we will face serious constraints," said its president Robert Zoellick, as he launched a campaign to persuade rich nations to pour more money into the Washington-based institution. Speaking at the IMF and World Bank meetings in Istanbul, he said the Bank needed a capital increase of as much as $11.1bn (£6.9bn) to keep functioning.

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